The Host

Episode 75

Friday 28 July 2023

Dr Crusher is in the turbolift with a handsome man with a lot of latex on his forehead and 90s-era romance novel  cover hair. They are both looking at us with goofy expressions on their faces.

Series 4, Episode 23

Stardate: 44821.3

First broadcast on Monday 13 May 1991

Star Trek: The Next Generation makes another ill-judged attempt at romance this week, as Beverly Crusher has an eventful two-week relationship with an alien ambassador, Commander Riker, and an attractive young woman, who are all somehow the same person. It all goes as well as you would expect in a series where every episode returns reliably to the status quo before the credits roll.

(Warning: after the closing credits, there are some incidental spoilers for Strange New Worlds Series 2, Episode 7, Those Old Scientists.)

Recorded on Tuesday 25 July 2023 · Download (83.4 MB)

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Episode 74

Friday 21 July 2023

A frame from a cartoon. Spock and Kirk are standing in front of a cliff, chest deep in water. Behind Kirk, two sinuous green arms emerge from the water to menace him.

Series 2, Episode 2

Stardate: 7403.6

First broadcast on Saturday 14 September 1974

It’s a low-effort week here at Untitled Star Trek Project, as we pour dozens of crisp American dollars into animating a hilarious encounter between Kirk, Spock, some lizard men in nappies, and an alien who can detach his bits at will, and then spend some time wondering why on earth we bothered.

Recorded on Monday 17 July 2023 · Download (47.6 MB)

Star Trek: The Animated Series

The Changing Face of Evil

Episode 73

Friday 14 July 2023

A close up of a Cardassian man's face. It's Damar, and he's looking as bold and resolute (and as handsome) as he's ever looked.

Series 7, Episode 20

Stardate: Unknown (2375)

First broadcast on Wednesday 28 April 1999

After the Breen attack Starfleet Headquarters on Earth, Ben Sisko (Alan Dale), fearing for the safety of his new wife Kasidy (Lisa Armytage), gets all of her upcoming missions cancelled, with predictable results. Elsewhere on the station, Ezri (Annie Jones) and Worf (Guy Pearce) bicker about her budding relationship to Julian (Peter O’Brien). On Bajor, Kai Winn (Vivean Gray) and her new lodger Anjohl (Ian Smith) are planning to unleash the pah-wraiths on an unsuspecting galaxy. Which puts into perspective the plans of Legate Damar (Stefan Dennis), who merely wants to kick the Dominion out of Lassiter’s so that he can look at himself in the mirror without cringing.

Recorded on Tuesday 11 July 2023 · Download (69.5 MB)

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Episode 72

Friday 7 July 2023

On an alien spaceship, Seksa, a white woman with Cardassian features,  is smiling and embracing a serious-looking Kazon man, Maje Culluh.

Series 2, Episode 14

Stardate: 49337.4

First broadcast on Monday 22 January 1996

When a Voyager crewmember is killed in a Kazon attack, and his colleagues are forced to sit through the most butt-clenchingly clichéd eulogy in television history, a few of them declare that it’s time to forge an alliance with the Kazon, which seems unwise. What seems even more unwise is Janeway’s decision to ignore everything that history has taught us about white people, as she forges an alliance with the Trabe, who talk nicely and know which knife and fork to use. It all turns out pretty much how you would expect.

Recorded on Tuesday 4 July 2023 · Download (60.5 MB)

Star Trek: Voyager


Episode 71

Friday 30 June 2023

Deanna is sitting in the bath, fully clothed. She looks shocked at a uniformed man just off camera. She has her hand pressed to  her cheek and blood is seeping between her fingers.

Series 7, Episode 19

Stardate: 47653.2

First broadcast on Monday 21 March 1994

Well, everyone hates Genesis obviously, but why? It’s silly, of course, it doesn’t attempt to get the science right, and everyone recovers beautifully during the last ad break. But that’s just Star Trek, isn’t it? Isn’t it?

Recorded on Tuesday 20 June 2023 · Download (70.5 MB)

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Episode 70

Friday 23 June 2023

A painting or a comic book panel depicts a deadly space war. Phaser beams cross the frame, one of them striking a large hunk of rock in the middle. On the ground below are people and the strange elongated bodies of robots bristling with weapons. On a cliff high above is the silhouette of another of these robots. And in the sky are strange patterns. A clock? A blueprint? It's like the cover of the most stylish and action-packed Nebula Award-winning book of the 1960s.

Series 1, Episode 16

Stardate: Unknown (2384)

First broadcast on Thursday 1 December 2022

In the Neutral Zone, the USS Protostar faces off against the USS Dauntless, unable to leave and unable to contact them to explain their friendly intentions. And so they stop for a moment and tell each other sad, funny and beautiful stories from their pasts. Meanwhile, on the Dauntless, we hear a different story, a story of war and revenge, and a plot whose aim is the destruction of the Federation itself.

Recorded on Tuesday 13 June 2023 · Download (42.4 MB)

Star Trek: Prodigy


Episode 69

Friday 16 June 2023

It's sunset. Two people are sitting in a dinghy facing one another. On the left, and orange lizard lady in a shiny jumpsuit: on the right is Trip in his Starfleet uniform. There is a bowl of white crystals between them.

Series 1, Episode 5

Stardate: Unknown (2151)

First broadcast on Wednesday 17 October 2001

This week, Enterprise Chief Engineer Charles Tucker III is pregnant, and Nathan and Joe expect to be embarrassed and offended by the result. Instead, they are delighted to find themselves merely bored. (In fact, Nathan thinks the first half of the episode is rather sweet and charming, but he’s an incurable romantic where lizard people are concerned.)

Recorded on Monday 5 June 2023 · Download (67.6 MB)

Star Trek: Enterprise


Episode 68

Friday 9 June 2023

We are outside: there is a sunny forest in the background. In the foreground, Picard is hugging a man. We can just glimpse his face. It's Q. Picard has his face pressed against Q's chest. He is smiling.

Series 2, Episode 10

Stardate: Unknown (2024, 2401)

First broadcast on Thursday 5 May 2022

In one episode’s time, Star Trek: Picard will become, for the first time, a television event, but for now, we’ve got some plot to wrap up, some sad farewells to make and a new relationship to start. And a point, however muted, about living an extraordinary life.

Recorded on Tuesday 30 May 2023 · Download (77.1 MB)

Star Trek: Picard

In Purgatory’s Shadow / By Inferno’s Light

Episode 67

Friday 2 June 2023

Garak is standing in the darkness in a narrow space inside a bulkhead. His face is lit by some bare optical cables. He is looking very stressed.

Series 5, Episodes 14–15

Stardate: 50564.2

First broadcast on Monday 10 February 1997
and Monday 17 February 1997

It’s a soap-opera extravaganza on Deep Space Nine this week, as Garak reconciles with his long-lost father, Dukat abandons his long-lost daughter, and Julian discovers a scheming lookalike that he never knew he had. Meanwhile, there is a shift in the balance of power in the Quadrant, as the show rewrites its own premise in the way that we have come to admire and enjoy.

Recorded on Tuesday 23 May 2023 · Download (115.2 MB)

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

The Masterpiece Society

Episode 66

Friday 26 May 2023

Deanna and a young man are standing in a garden in front of a window looking out onto a hostile alien landscape. They are kissing.

Series 5, Episode 13

Stardate: 45470.1

First broadcast on Monday 10 February 1992

This week, the Enterprise crew worry unnecessarily about upending the lives of people living under a weird-ass conservative regime, only to find that those people are desperate to get out and there is no good reason at all to prevent them. Also, Deanna has sex, with unfortunate results.

Recorded on Tuesday 16 May 2023 · Download (66.5 MB)

Star Trek: The Next Generation