Star Trek: Enterprise

Strange New World

Episode 6

Friday 10 December 2021

Enterprise NX-01 orbits an Earthlike planet.

Star Trek: Enterprise

Series 1, Episode 4

Stardate: Unknown (2151)

First broadcast on Wednesday 10 October 2001

After the crew of Enterprise decide to ignore the advice of their only competent crewmember, they find themselves on a very routine away mission on a very unremarkable planet, exhibiting behaviour that would embarass the most racist of your racist uncles. Turns out that at the end of the day, it hasn’t been such a long road getting from there to here.

Recorded on Friday 12 November 2021 · Download (58.5 MB)

Star Trek: Enterprise


Episode 69

Friday 16 June 2023

It's sunset. Two people are sitting in a dinghy facing one another. On the left, and orange lizard lady in a shiny jumpsuit: on the right is Trip in his Starfleet uniform. There is a bowl of white crystals between them.

Star Trek: Enterprise

Series 1, Episode 5

Stardate: Unknown (2151)

First broadcast on Wednesday 17 October 2001

This week, Enterprise Chief Engineer Charles Tucker III is pregnant, and Nathan and Joe expect to be embarrassed and offended by the result. Instead, they are delighted to find themselves merely bored. (In fact, Nathan thinks the first half of the episode is rather sweet and charming, but he’s an incurable romantic where lizard people are concerned.)

Recorded on Monday 5 June 2023 · Download (67.6 MB)

Star Trek: Enterprise

A Night in Sickbay

Episode 48

Friday 14 October 2022

Porthos is alone in a big, empty, blue-lit decontamination room. He is sitting quietly, because he is a very good boy.

Star Trek: Enterprise

Series 2, Episode 5

Stardate: Unknown (2152)

First broadcast on Wednesday 16 October 2002

Our mission this week — to boldly rehabilitate an unjustly maligned episode of Star Trek: Enterprise. After more than a season of being aggrieved and obnoxious, Jonathan Archer is suddenly confronted by the need to apologise to people, sometimes with his shirt off. Meanwhile, Porthos is a very good boy, even when he’s just a fluffy puppet.

Recorded on Thursday 6 October 2022 · Download (59.6 MB)

Star Trek: Enterprise


Episode 36

Friday 8 July 2022

In sickbay, Archer and T'Pol look directly at one another, while Phlox is in the background looking concerned  and out of focus.

Star Trek: Enterprise

Series 2, Episode 14

Stardate: Unknown (2152)

First broadcast on Wednesday 5 February 2003

In this Very Special Episode, we learn a Valuable Lesson about discrimination and bigotry without a single mention of the minority group being discriminated against. In the meantime — by the most amazing coincidence — Trip has an awkward moment when confronted by some nice people who don’t share his sexual ethic. It’s all a bit of a slog, to be honest.

Recorded on Tuesday 5 July 2022 · Download (67.1 MB)

Star Trek: Enterprise


Episode 13

Friday 28 January 2022

Trip looks abashed; the Cogenitor is standing next to him, much shorter.

Star Trek: Enterprise

Series 2, Episode 22

Stardate: Unknown (2153)

First broadcast on Wednesday 30 April 2003

The crew of Enterprise encounter the Vissians, a genial and technologically advanced species who enslave three percent of their population and force them to have sex with married couples who wish to conceive their horrible latex-faced children. Surprisingly, we’re generally fine with this. Apart from Trip, who is a good person.

Recorded on Wednesday 5 January 2022 · Download (63.4 MB)

Star Trek: Enterprise

Chosen Realm

Episode 112

Friday 31 May 2024

A middle-aged man with a grey ponytail stands with his back to us, looking out over the grey landscape of a ruined city.

Star Trek: Enterprise

Series 3, Episode 12

Stardate: Unknown (2153)

First broadcast on Wednesday 14 January 2004

This week, untrustworthy foreigners attack and terrorise Enterprise for literally no reason other than the arbitrary tenets of their weird and incorrect religion. There’s a lesson to be learned here, but only if you don’t think too hard about it.

Recorded on Tuesday 14 May 2024 · Download (61.6 MB)

Star Trek: Enterprise

Proving Ground

Episode 76

Friday 11 August 2023

The blue Andorian face of Shran (Jeffrey Coombs) grins  from a circular monitor screen.

Star Trek: Enterprise

Series 3, Episode 13

Stardate: Unknown (2153)

First broadcast on Wednesday 21 January 2004

This week, we learn a valuable lesson about Johnny Foreigner: he’s just not to be trusted. (God knows how we’re going to get a Federation together.) Still, we manage to enjoy ourselves for a bit.

Recorded on Tuesday 8 August 2023 · Download (69.8 MB)

Star Trek: Enterprise

Azati Prime

Episode 134

Friday 22 November 2024

In the brig of a Xindi starship, Archer is hanging by his arms from the  ceiling. He has been beaten, and there is blood on his face and in his mouth. Behind him, holding him by the head, is the menacing figure of a Xindi-Reptilian.

Star Trek: Enterprise

Series 3, Episode 18

Stardate: Unknown (2154)

First broadcast on Wednesday 3 March 2004

This week, the Xindi and some big-ass lizard guy get to beat the crap out of (a) Enterprise and (b) Captain Archer, respectively. Meanwhile, Nathan and Joe are delighted, not because they’re mean (although they are), but because this is such a thoroughly entertaining hour of Star Trek: Enterprise. Who knew such things could be?

Recorded on Tuesday 19 November 2024 · Download (72.6 MB)

Star Trek: Enterprise


Episode 86

Friday 27 October 2023

We're in the usual underground cave set. An angry T'Pol confronts a sweaty and dirty Archer, who holds a flaming torch in one hand and cradles a pyramid-shaped ancient relic in the other.

Star Trek: Enterprise

Series 4, Episode 9

Stardate: Unknown (2154)

First broadcast on Friday 3 December 2004

A new experience for Joe and Nathan this week, as they enjoy an episode of Star Trek: Enterprise without irony or reservations. The Vulcans have been behaving oddly for three and a half years, for some reason, but this week, they decide to be normal again, for a dumb reason. But in spite of all that, there’s a lot of fun to be had here.

Recorded on Tuesday 24 October 2023 · Download (65.2 MB)

Star Trek: Enterprise

In a Mirror, Darkly / In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II

Episode 122

Friday 16 August 2024

Mirror T'Pol and Mirror Archer are facing off on the Enterprise bridge. T'Pol has long blond hair and is wearing an embarrassing version  of the horrid Enterprise coveralls, which reveals much more of her midriff than any reasonable person would regard as acceptable.

Star Trek: Enterprise

Series 4, Episodes 18–19

Stardate: Unknown (2155)

First broadcast on Friday 22 April 2005
and Friday 29 April 2005

The finish line is in sight this week for Star Trek: Enterprise, and so it’s time to throw out the rulebook and have some fun for a change, with a preposterous farrago of fan service that remembers at least that one of our most important jobs is to be enjoyable and entertaining. T’Pol starts wearing a miniskirt and Archer drinks some poisoned champagne, and, frankly, we couldn’t possibly be happier.

Recorded on Tuesday 6 August 2024 · Download (119.3 MB)

Star Trek: Enterprise