
Episode 95

Friday 26 January 2024

On the transporter pad, Klingon B'Elanna is lying with her head in human B'Elanna's lap, about to die from a phaser wound. They are holding hands.

Series 1, Episode 14

Stardate: 48784.2

First broadcast on Monday 8 May 1995

As a result of a horrific medical experiment, this week’s episode of Untitled Star Trek Project finds itself split into two irreconcilable parts — one convinced that this Voyager episode is extremely dull, and the other one certain that there’s nothing very interesting going on here. Apart from that, there’s a bit of a scary moment at one point, and Roxann gets to do some acting, which is nice.

Recorded on Tuesday 23 January 2024 · Download (66.8 MB)

Star Trek: Voyager

Treachery, Faith and the Great River

Episode 94

Friday 19 January 2024

In a control room on Cardassia, Weyoun is looking off into the distance, as if contemplating a terrible thing he's just been persuaded to do. Damar is behind him, smiling.

Series 7, Episode 6

Stardate: Unknown (2375)

First broadcast on Wednesday 4 November 1998

It’s all about faith this week on Deep Space Nine — Weyoun’s faith in Odo and the Founders, Nog’s faith that the genre rules of the comedy B-plot will lead inevitably to a happy ending, and the writers’ faith that wonderful, charming actors like Aron and René can make it all land from underneath a kilogram of latex.

Recorded on Tuesday 16 January 2024 · Download (67.6 MB)

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Episode 93

Friday 12 January 2024

In the Enterprise day care centre, a talk Klingon woman with long dark hair is kneeling down to say goodbye to her son, a little Klingon boy. Her face is close to his, and she has her hand on his chest.  She's saying goodbye.

Series 4, Episode 7

Stardate: 44246.3

First broadcast on Monday 5 November 1990

After just over a season of reliable and competent, this week, Star Trek: The Next Generation goes for dramatic and surprising — with amazing results: a memorable epsiode full of good performances and the sort of direction that lets those performances shine. One of the best.

Recorded on Wednesday 10 January 2024 · Download (63.6 MB)

Star Trek: The Next Generation

No Win Scenario

Episode 92

Friday 5 January 2024

Jean-Luc Picard is standing behind the bar of 10 Forward Avenue in Los Angeles, recreated on the holodeck of the USS Titan. He and his son Jack  Crusher are toasting each other with glasses of whiskey.

Series 3, Episode 4

Stardate: 78183.1

First broadcast on Thursday 9 March 2023

This week, an episode of Star Trek: Picard makes a compelling case for the existence of 21st century Trek, as familiar and well-loved characters find themselves in a show with dramatic lighting, beautiful special effects and witty and clever dialogue. But even more than that, they learn that no matter how bleak or unwinnable a situation, as long as you and your crew remain steadfast in your dedication, one to another, you are never ever without hope. Or giant squid.

Recorded on Tuesday 2 January 2024 · Download (74.9 MB)

Star Trek: Picard

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Episode 91

Friday 8 December 2023

Spock and Kirk are standing in front of a busy street in San Francisco in 1986. Spock looks like he is wearing a white martial arts outfit with a white headband to hide his ears. Kirk is wearing a suit that was only fashionable for a very short time in 2286.

Star Trek Movie #4

Stardate: 8390.0, and also 1986

Release date: 1986

This week, Star Trek makes a triumphant return to form, as we are joined by Tom Salinsky to watch the 1986 film Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, in which the crew of the Enterprise meet their match, as they confront the most terrifying alien species of all time — Americans from the 1980s.

Here’s a link to Tom Salinsky’s Trekaday blog, which is currently heading towards the end of Star Trek: Enterprise. You can also pre-order his upcoming book on Star Trek from Amazon UK.

Recorded on Tuesday 5 December 2023 · Download (135.6 MB)

Star Trek movies

Whom Gods Destroy

Episode 90

Friday 1 December 2023

On the misty surface of a particularly unconvincing alien planet, a scantily-clad green-skinned Orion woman stretches out her hands. She looks terrified.

Series 3, Episode 14

Stardate: 5718.3

First broadcast on Friday 3 January 1969

A Very Important episode of Star Trek: The Original Series this week, in which we tackle the Serious Issue of Mental Illness, a Terrifying Social Problem which causes ordinary people to conceive an Unquenchable Desire to Take over the Entire Galaxy and to Use Capital Letters Unnecessarily. Fortunately, it can be cured by a Simple Intravenous Injection, which seems to have started working almost immediately. So, no harm done really. Except to this episode’s guest woman, who is dead.

Recorded on Tuesday 28 November 2023 · Download (72.1 MB)

Star Trek: The Original Series


Episode 89

Friday 17 November 2023

Two giant salamanders are lying on the ground. Between them, emerging from a hole, are some adorable but slimy little baby salamanders.

Series 2, Episode 15

Stardate: 49373.4

First broadcast on Monday 29 January 1996

– Guess who I get to meet today. The Creator of Fair Haven, Captain Proton himself: Lieutenant Tom Paris!

– No way! That’s awesome! Is he still a salamander?

– No, that’s not… It was a celerity-induced accelerated somatic mutation rate, and he’s fine now. He was the first human to break the transwarp barrier, and today, he’s on the Cerritos!

Boimler and Mariner, We’ll Always Have Tom Paris

When I first read that script, I couldn’t believe they were going to shoot it.

Robert Duncan McNeill

Recorded on Tuesday 14 November 2023 · Download (70.7 MB)

Star Trek: Voyager

Crisis Point

Episode 88

Friday 10 November 2023

On the bridge of a Klingon Bird of Prey we see Mariner dressed as B-Grade Star Trek villain Vindicta, with Tendi and Rutherford flanking her, dressed as pirates. At the conn is Shempo, a pale skeletal boy who looks a lot like Brad Boimler.

Series 1, Episode 9

Stardate: Unknown (2380)

First broadcast on Thursday 1 October 2020

This week, Joe and Nathan work on their most pressing psychological problems by smashing the ship’s counsellor’s favourite bonsai, storming off to the holodeck, making fun of the Star Trek movie series, and playing the most violent (and possibly racist) video game in the history of the franchise. Everything turns out for the best, though, because good friends forgive, and they’ll always have time to hang out and admire the warp core.

Recorded on Tuesday 7 November 2023 · Download (49.1 MB)

Star Trek: Lower Decks


Episode 87

Friday 3 November 2023

We're in a small ancient stone theatre. A small audience is watching a scene in which B'Elanna Torres, wearing a traveller's cloak is looking at a  beautiful young man in a white robe, who is begging her to stay.

Series 6, Episode 22

Stardate: 53918.0

First broadcast on Wednesday 26 April 2000

These stories will continue for as long as we have the breath to tell them. And as long as our patrons remain wise and compassionate. And Voyager will continue on her journey to the gleaming cities of Earth, where peace reigns and hatred has no home.

Enjoyable. And unexpectedly beautiful at times. Much like Star Trek, really.

Recorded on Tuesday 31 October 2023 · Download (62.5 MB)

Star Trek: Voyager


Episode 86

Friday 27 October 2023

We're in the usual underground cave set. An angry T'Pol confronts a sweaty and dirty Archer, who holds a flaming torch in one hand and cradles a pyramid-shaped ancient relic in the other.

Series 4, Episode 9

Stardate: Unknown (2154)

First broadcast on Friday 3 December 2004

A new experience for Joe and Nathan this week, as they enjoy an episode of Star Trek: Enterprise without irony or reservations. The Vulcans have been behaving oddly for three and a half years, for some reason, but this week, they decide to be normal again, for a dumb reason. But in spite of all that, there’s a lot of fun to be had here.

Recorded on Tuesday 24 October 2023 · Download (65.2 MB)

Star Trek: Enterprise