Strange New World

Episode 6

Friday 10 December 2021

Enterprise NX-01 orbits an Earthlike planet.

Series 1, Episode 4

Stardate: Unknown (2151)

First broadcast on Wednesday 10 October 2001

After the crew of Enterprise decide to ignore the advice of their only competent crewmember, they find themselves on a very routine away mission on a very unremarkable planet, exhibiting behaviour that would embarass the most racist of your racist uncles. Turns out that at the end of the day, it hasn’t been such a long road getting from there to here.

Recorded on Friday 12 November 2021 · Download (58.5 MB)

Star Trek: Enterprise

The Corbomite Maneuver

Episode 5

Friday 3 December 2021

Kirk smiles enigmatically.

Series 1, Episode 10

Stardate: 1512.2

First broadcast on Thursday 10 November 1966

Tensions are running high this week, as the Enterprise is attacked by a series of regular geometric solids and the bridge crew’s morale starts to crack under the pressure. Is this a ropey and glacially paced moment of disposable 60s TV, or the beginning of something indescribably magical?

Recorded on Wednesday 27 October 2021 · Download (68.1 MB)

Star Trek: The Original Series

Forget Me Not

Episode 4

Friday 26 November 2021

Gray and Adira smile as they bow on the cello together.

Series 3, Episode 4

Stardate: Unknown (3189)

First broadcast on Thursday 5 November 2020

It’s been 1,183 years since Rick Berman left Star Trek, and so it’s time for two new queer characters to join the Discovery family — Trill host Adira Tal and their adorable boyfriend and former host Gray Tal — in an episode all about the importance of connection and belonging.

Recorded on Wednesday 27 October 2021 · Download (71.9 MB)

Star Trek: Discovery


Episode 3

Friday 19 November 2021

B’Elanna on the holodeck looking at her horrific CGI baby.

Series 7, Episode 12

Stardate: 54452.6

First broadcast on Wednesday 24 January 2001

It’s our first trip to the Delta Quadrant, and we have questions that need answering. Is B’Elanna’s father a massive racist or just a regular-sized racist? Which is more convincing: Tom and B’Elanna’s baby or an 8472 in a well-lit room? And can we maintain focus all the way through a 45-minute episode of Voyager without a single space anomaly?

Recorded on Wednesday 6 October 2021 · Download (58.7 MB)

Star Trek: Voyager

The House of Quark

Episode 2

Friday 12 November 2021

Quark's new Klingon wife Grilka smiles warmly at him.

Series 3, Episode 3

Stardate: Unknown (2371)

First broadcast on Monday 10 October 1994

In this week’s episode of Family Ties, when Quark (Michael J Fox) lies about his involvement in the death of a belligerent Klingon customer, he finds himself threatened, hauled off to Qo’nos, forcibly married, and required to defend the honour of his house before the High Council with a combination of Excel spreadsheets and extreme physical cowardice. Will he learn a Very Important lesson about the dangers of greed? (Spoilers: no.)

Recorded on Monday 27 September 2021 · Download (57.0 MB)

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Yesterday’s Enterprise

Episode 1

Thursday 4 November 2021

Lt. Yar and Lt. Castillo go in for a kiss on the transporter pad.

Series 3, Episode 15

Stardate: 43625.2

First broadcast on Monday 19 February 1990

After the Enterprise-C emerges from a mysteriously swirly space anomaly, Joe and Nathan find themselves in an alternate timeline where Star Trek: The Next Generation is dramatically and impractically lit, full of incident, and sceptical about the 1990s belief in the End of History. Star Trek: Discovery Series 1 arrives nearly 30 years too early, in Yesterday’s Enterprise.

Recorded on Tuesday 21 September 2021 · Download (58.7 MB)

Star Trek: The Next Generation