Star Trek: The Next Generation

The Wounded

Episode 38

Friday 22 July 2022

Gul Macet looms on the screen of the Enterprise, his fierce look only marred by a weird harness thing he is wearing on his face.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Series 4, Episode 12

Stardate: 44429.6

First broadcast on Monday 28 January 1991

Our Irish lad to the war has gone
On the deck of the Phoenix you’ll find him.
He’s got a song that goes on and on
And a sad backstory behind him.

Marc Alaimo’s here in a silly hat
He’s missed some bits while sha-a-ving.
And Captain Maxwell has shown us that
He’s a dick and he isn’t worth saving.

Duration: 1:09:06 · Recorded on Thursday 21 July 2022 · Download · Open in new window

Star Trek: The Next Generation

The Host

Episode 75

Friday 28 July 2023

Dr Crusher is in the turbolift with a handsome man with a lot of latex on his forehead and 90s-era romance novel  cover hair. They are both looking at us with goofy expressions on their faces.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Series 4, Episode 23

Stardate: 44821.3

First broadcast on Monday 13 May 1991

Star Trek: The Next Generation makes another ill-judged attempt at romance this week, as Beverly Crusher has an eventful two-week relationship with an alien ambassador, Commander Riker, and an attractive young woman, who are all somehow the same person. It all goes as well as you would expect in a series where every episode returns reliably to the status quo before the credits roll.

(Warning: after the closing credits, there are some incidental spoilers for Strange New Worlds Series 2, Episode 7, Those Old Scientists.)

Duration: 1:25:43 · Recorded on Tuesday 25 July 2023 · Download · Open in new window

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Episode 49

Friday 21 October 2022

On a sunny and grassy Californian hillside, Captain Picard is facing the Tamarian Captain Dathon. Dathon is smiling: Picard has clearly understood something.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Series 5, Episode 2

Stardate: 45047.2

First broadcast on Monday 30 September 1991

They were victorious. But Enkidu fell to the ground, struck down by the gods. And Gilgamesh wept bitter tears, saying, “He who was my companion, through adventure and hardship, is gone forever.”

Now this is what Star Trek is about — kind, competent people solving a space problem, while learning about the importance of storytelling, connection and understanding. Magnificent.

Duration: 1:04:27 · Recorded on Friday 14 October 2022 · Download · Open in new window

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Episode 110

Friday 17 May 2024

Worf is standing in Ten Forward. He is holding out his tricorder, which he is using to monitor how dilated Keiko is as she is giving birth. Keiko's spread legs are visible in the foreground, covered decorously  with a shimmering space bedsheet.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Series 5, Episode 5

Stardate: 45156.1

First broadcast on Monday 21 October 1991

In this week’s outstanding instalment of Competent People Solving Space Problems, the Enterprise is hit by an unexpected and dangerous premise which separates the crew into five distinct subplots and forces each of them to confront their greatest fears. Deanna contends with yet another fibriform space anomaly, Geordi faces the horrors of a Gilbert and Sullivan patter song, Worf takes on the unlikely and challenging role of midwife, Data finds himself having to leave his genitals in another room, and Picard is trapped in a confined space and compelled to be nice to people for a while.

Duration: 1:19:26 · Recorded on Tuesday 30 April 2024 · Download · Open in new window

Star Trek: The Next Generation

A Matter of Time

Episode 97

Friday 9 February 2024

We are in a small shuttle, made to look futuristic with rainbow-coloured holographic wallpaer. A balding man with a big chin is pointing a phaser at Commander Data, who is completely unperturbed.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Series 5, Episode 9

Stardate: 45349.1

First broadcast on Monday 18 November 1991

The absence of Robin Williams and the presence of Rick Berman are both keenly felt this week, as a normal day at the office for the Enterprise-D becomes merely a mildly diverting day at the office. The cause: an elegantly named time-travelling confidence trickster, who nicks a bunch of stuff so he can put it on eBay and pretends that everything here is much more thrilling than it actually is. Let’s say three-and-a-half stars, but two of those stars are for Marina Sirtis’s performance.

Duration: 1:03:54 · Recorded on Tuesday 6 February 2024 · Download · Open in new window

Star Trek: The Next Generation

The Masterpiece Society

Episode 66

Friday 26 May 2023

Deanna and a young man are standing in a garden in front of a window looking out onto a hostile alien landscape. They are kissing.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Series 5, Episode 13

Stardate: 45470.1

First broadcast on Monday 10 February 1992

This week, the Enterprise crew worry unnecessarily about upending the lives of people living under a weird-ass conservative regime, only to find that those people are desperate to get out and there is no good reason at all to prevent them. Also, Deanna has sex, with unfortunate results.

Duration: 1:08:07 · Recorded on Tuesday 16 May 2023 · Download · Open in new window

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Power Play

Episode 25

Friday 22 April 2022

Evil possessed Deanna Troi stands in Ten Forward, firing a phaser.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Series 5, Episode 15

Stardate: 45571.2

First broadcast on Monday 24 February 1992

This week, on Untitled Star Trek Project, Joe and Nathan sit down to watch a sentimental sci-fi favourite from their youth, only to discover that it’s really just a police procedural where some of the regular cast get to do funny voices. Still, they get to see Marina menacing people with a gun, so there’s that, I guess.

Duration: 1:09:50 · Recorded on Sunday 10 April 2022 · Download · Open in new window

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Descent / Descent, Part II

Episode 12

Friday 21 January 2022

Picard is facing us, flanked by Deanna and Geordi:  they are surrounded by Borg.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Series 6, Episode 26 / Series 7, Episode 1

Stardate: 46982.1

First broadcast on Monday 21 June 1993
and Monday 20 September 1993

After their critically acclaimed attack on Earth on Stardate 44001.4, the Borg are back with a terrifying new plan — to pad out the the running time of the Star Trek: The Next Generation Series 6 finale and Series 7 opener. Meanwhile, Deanna is amused by Data’s porn consumption, Nathan is impressed by Beverly’s approach to command, and Joe is distracted by the memory of much more enjoyable Star Trek episodes.

Duration: 1:44:07 · Recorded on Saturday 1 January 2022 · Download · Open in new window

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Sub Rosa

Episode 24

Friday 15 April 2022

In Beverly's quarters, she and Ronin are embracing urgently. He looks at her, but her eyes are closed.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Series 7, Episode 14

Stardate: Unknown (2370)

First broadcast on Monday 31 January 1994

This week, Star Trek takes its first ill-judged stab at the Gothic romance genre. Will Beverly fall for her dead grandmother’s lover (sorry), a rangily unattractive anaphasic ghost who encourages her to give up her job and to stand by helplessly while he attacks her friends? Or will she learn a valuable lesson about not dating sociopathic men? (Temporarily and no respectively, it turns out.)

Duration: 1:01:21 · Recorded on Thursday 7 April 2022 · Download · Open in new window

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Episode 71

Friday 30 June 2023

Deanna is sitting in the bath, fully clothed. She looks shocked at a uniformed man just off camera. She has her hand pressed to  her cheek and blood is seeping between her fingers.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Series 7, Episode 19

Stardate: 47653.2

First broadcast on Monday 21 March 1994

Well, everyone hates Genesis obviously, but why? It’s silly, of course, it doesn’t attempt to get the science right, and everyone recovers beautifully during the last ad break. But that’s just Star Trek, isn’t it? Isn’t it?

Duration: 1:12:16 · Recorded on Tuesday 20 June 2023 · Download · Open in new window

Star Trek: The Next Generation