Star Trek: The Next Generation

Sub Rosa

Episode 24

Friday 15 April 2022

In Beverly's quarters, she and Ronin are embracing urgently. He looks at her, but her eyes are closed.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Series 7, Episode 14

Stardate: Unknown (2370)

First broadcast on Monday 31 January 1994

This week, Star Trek takes its first ill-judged stab at the Gothic romance genre. Will Beverly fall for her dead grandmother’s lover (sorry), a rangily unattractive anaphasic ghost who encourages her to give up her job and to stand by helplessly while he attacks her friends? Or will she learn a valuable lesson about not dating sociopathic men? (Temporarily and no respectively, it turns out.)

Duration: 1:01:21 · Recorded on Thursday 7 April 2022 · Download · Open in new window

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Episode 71

Friday 30 June 2023

Deanna is sitting in the bath, fully clothed. She looks shocked at a uniformed man just off camera. She has her hand pressed to  her cheek and blood is seeping between her fingers.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Series 7, Episode 19

Stardate: 47653.2

First broadcast on Monday 21 March 1994

Well, everyone hates Genesis obviously, but why? It’s silly, of course, it doesn’t attempt to get the science right, and everyone recovers beautifully during the last ad break. But that’s just Star Trek, isn’t it? Isn’t it?

Duration: 1:12:16 · Recorded on Tuesday 20 June 2023 · Download · Open in new window

Star Trek: The Next Generation

All Good Things…

Episode 18

Friday 4 March 2022

A shot from above — the bridge crew of the Enterprise-D are all sitting  around the poker table. Picard is dealing.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Series 7, Episodes 25–26

Stardate: 47988

First broadcast on Monday 23 May 1994

After seven years of thorny space problems and some of the most ingenious space solutions in Starfleet history, what do we have left to learn? Something about tachyon scans and anti-time, inevitably, but also something about the enduring power of love and friendship. Let’s see what’s in here.

Duration: 1:48:51 · Recorded on Tuesday 1 March 2022 · Download · Open in new window

Star Trek: The Next Generation