Star Trek: The Original Series

The Corbomite Maneuver

Episode 5

Friday 3 December 2021

Kirk smiles enigmatically.

Series 1, Episode 10

Stardate: 1512.2

First broadcast on Thursday 10 November 1966

Tensions are running high this week, as the Enterprise is attacked by a series of regular geometric solids and the bridge crew’s morale starts to crack under the pressure. Is this a ropey and glacially paced moment of disposable 60s TV, or the beginning of something indescribably magical?

Recorded on Wednesday 27 October 2021 · Download (68.1 MB)

Star Trek: The Original Series

The Galileo Seven

Episode 84

Friday 6 October 2023

We're on an alien planet a green sky and rocky outcrops made of chicken wire and papier-mâché. The shuttlecraft Galileo, has landed here. Behind it, but towering over it, is a large apelike creater. He is holding a polystyrene rock above his head, about to bring it down on the roof of the shuttlecraft.

Series 1, Episode 16

Stardate: 2821.5

First broadcast on Thursday 5 January 1967

When a metal box containing seven strange creatures lands outside his village, gentle giant Oleg (Buck Maffei) leaves a pregnant wife and an ailing mother in his humble yurt and trudges off to present the creatures with his people’s traditional gift of welcome — a set of giant novelty spears. This simple act of hospitality is met with violence, and soon matters escalate despite Oleg’s repeated attempts to appease the newcomers’ anger — giving one an affectionate hug, offering the others his precious polystyrene boulder, and finally trying to hold down the box when the wind threatens to blow it away. A heartrending story of faith and hope in the face of indifference and cruelty. Five stars.

Recorded on Tuesday 3 October 2023 · Download (67.8 MB)

Star Trek: The Original Series

The Devil in the Dark

Episode 115

Friday 21 June 2024

In a dark blue cave, a concerned Spock is touching a surface  that might be organic or might be rock. Is he mind melding with a silicon based lifeform?

Series 1, Episode 25

Stardate: 3196.1

First broadcast on Thursday 9 March 1967

A terrifying cave monster attacks a bunch of miners in pastel jumpsuits and burns them alive: it must be killed to ensure a continuing supply of raw materials for the engines of capitalism. But then, of course, we reach out, learn that the monster is a person, and thereby discover a terrifying truth about ourselves. A triumph: literally the thing that Star Trek is for.

Recorded on Tuesday 4 June 2024 · Download (66.0 MB)

Star Trek: The Original Series

Amok Time

Episode 43

Friday 2 September 2022

Kirk has Spock pinned down with a weird-looking Vulcan weapon called a lirpa, which is a kind of spear thing with a flange at the end.

Series 2, Episode 1

Stardate: 3372.7

First broadcast on Friday 15 September 1967

What thee are about to see comes down from the time of the beginning, without change. This is the Vulcan heart. This is the Vulcan soul. This is our way.

In this Classic Episode of Untitled Star Trek Project, Joe and Nathan find themselves unexpectedly involved in a fight to the death — for the love of a beautiful woman!

Recorded on Sunday 21 August 2022 · Download (69.3 MB)

Star Trek: The Original Series

The Changeling

Episode 32

Friday 10 June 2022

Spock is mind-melding with a faceless robot. His fingers are splayed across its head, and he is looking at someone off screen.

Series 2, Episode 3

Stardate: 3541.9

First broadcast on Friday 29 September 1967

When the Enterprise takes on board an inexplicably touchy and unreasonable box of flashing lights dangling from a fishing line, hilarity ensues. Also, racism.

Recorded on Tuesday 31 May 2022 · Download (74.3 MB)

Star Trek: The Original Series

The Doomsday Machine

Episode 26

Friday 29 April 2022

Captain Kirk stands in a corridor on a ruined space ship. He is talking into his communicator: he looks concerned.

Series 2, Episode 6

Stardate: 4202.1

First broadcast on Friday 20 October 1967

A nameless and unknowable monster which has destroyed whole star systems and wiped out an entire Starfleet crew is now heading towards the most populated part of the galaxy. The only things standing in its way: a dramatic soundtrack, a memorable guest actor, an incredibly confident production, and William Alan Shatner. It doesn’t stand a chance.

Recorded on Tuesday 12 April 2022 · Download (73.0 MB)

Star Trek: The Original Series


Episode 101

Friday 15 March 2024

A cursed away team, consisting of Captain Kirk and three redshirts, stand on the surface of a TOS-era alien planet. One of them, a striking young man, is brandishing his tricorder.

Series 2, Episode 13

Stardate: 3619.2

First broadcast on Friday 15 December 1967

A few tense moments this week, as a fragrant dikironium vampire kills a bunch of redshirts before threatening some characters with names and ultimately the Enterprise itself. But the real suspense comes from an entirely different direction: Will this episode teeter over the edge of camp into baffling semicompetence? Will Kirk’s obsession turn him from a jovial and beloved authority figure into a massive idiot? Will any cue from the Star Trek music library go unused? (No, no and no, fortunately.)

Recorded on Tuesday 5 March 2024 · Download (65.4 MB)

Star Trek: The Original Series

Wolf in the Fold

Episode 65

Friday 19 May 2023

A dazed Scotty looks in horror at the knife which is being held out in front of him.

Series 2, Episode 14

Stardate: 3614.9

First broadcast on Friday 22 December 1967

When simple, mild-mannered lackwit Montgomery Scott (James Doohan) stabs three women to death in the space of a couple of hours, the crew of the Enterprise become suspicious enough to start an investigation, which mostly consists of getting Majel Barrett to read them a bunch of Wikipedia articles. But just as we’re all about to nod off, someone claims responsibility for the murders — beloved childhood plaything Piglet (John Fielder), who immediately inputs himself into the ship’s computer and attempts to generate terror by making a series of increasingly unimaginative violent threats. Understandably, the crew respond to all this by taking a bunch of drugs and waiting for the closing credits to kick in. Which is how we recommend that you respond to this episode as well.

Recorded on Tuesday 9 May 2023 · Download (69.1 MB)

Star Trek: The Original Series

The Trouble with Tribbles

Episode 53

Friday 9 December 2022

That famous shot of Kirk standing under the overhead doors  of the storage compartment, up to his chest in a pile of  tribbles. He looks annoyed.

Series 2, Episode 15

Stardate: 4523.3

First broadcast on Friday 29 December 1967

In one of the best episodes in Star Trek history, our show learns very early on that it can shoot for ridiculous and hit funny and entertaining. What more can we say? It’s brilliant.

Recorded on Tuesday 29 November 2022 · Download (73.2 MB)

Star Trek: The Original Series

Bread and Circuses

Episode 124

Friday 13 September 2024

Two shirtless sixties-hot gladiators, ready for a bout,  looking slightly embarrassed about their fake-ass shields.

Series 2, Episode 25

Stardate: 4040.7

First broadcast on Friday 15 March 1968

In hoc episodio, cum nautae astronavis Enterprise ad Urbem Aeternam pervenissent, brevi tempore magister Kirk amicos suos in harena certantes spectavit, passerem garo elixum gustavit, ancillam formosissimam futuit, postremo festinanter discessit. Sed dum navem solvit, cognoscit se testem fuisse novam religionem pacis ac fraternitatis oriri.

Recorded on Tuesday 10 September 2024 · Download (64.7 MB)

Star Trek: The Original Series