The Way to Eden

Episode 139

Friday 10 January 2025

We're in the Enterprise transporter room. Sitting on the transporter pad are a group of five young people and an older man with a shaved head and massive latex ears — all dressed as hippies and all making a triangle shape with their hands. Standing upright opposite them is Spock, who is making the same shape with his hands as they are.

Star Trek: The Original Series

Series 3, Episode 20

Stardate: 5832.3

First broadcast on Friday 21 February 1969

This week, we learn a valuable lesson previously only known to the most tedious middle-aged people: that young people these days are arrogant, embarassing, and stupid — and also probably communists. Meanwhile, the crew of the Enterprise have all forgotten to remove their “Nixon’s the One!” badges, upsettingly.

Recorded on Tuesday 7 January 2025 · Download (73.0 MB)

Star Trek: The Original Series